Transferring fostering agency

What happens when you want to transfer to a different fostering agency?

We make the process of transferring foster agency as quick and easy as we possibly can. The process of transferring agency still requires several checks of course, but is nowhere near as time consuming as when you first register with an agency, or the subsequent assessments.

The first step is to let your current agency know that you want to transfer to us. They are then obliged to share your carer files with us, so we can see your carer history, who you’ve looked after and the support you require.

Whatever the reason for leaving, we’re on hand every step of the way, so you can relax and have the peace of mind you want in knowing that you’ve made an excellent choice in switching to Time Out Fostering.

How common is it to transfer to a different fostering agency?

Over the years, we have had numerous carers transfer to Time Out Fostering, often citing the reasons as being wanting to have more support and the fact that they feel like a number rather than part of a team.

On the flip side, we believe it speaks volumes that people transferring away from Time Out Fostering is very rare indeed.

Fundamentally, if you feel unhappy with your current foster care company, perhaps feeling unsupported or your requests for better one-to-one collaboration are going unheard, then you should never feel bad for setting the wheels in motion to transfer. It’s far better to move to an agency that you’re happy with than to fall out of love with fostering and for future children to lose the opportunity to develop within the loving family unit you can offer.

How long does it take to transfer from one foster agency to another?

There’s no set rule for this, however as a guide in our experience, the process takes between 3-6 months. It is dependent on a number of factors, including:

    • How quickly your current agency provides us with the necessary information and carer files
    • Whether or not you are currently fostering children. It is still completely possible to transfer agency and continue fostering the children currently in your care. Simply talk to us and we’ll be able to guide you through the most efficient ways in which to transfer to us, supporting you every step of the way

The most important elements are to ensure that you can continue to provide the fantastic care children and young people that you have been previously – only this time with all of the support that you expected of you current agency, being delivered by us – a small, friendly and welcoming agency that truly cares.

Will you get the same financial allowances as with your current agency? 

We offer highly competitive allowances to our carers and pride ourselves on this, alongside the aforementioned feeling that you’re no longer a number in a big agency, but a person with individual needs for support, understanding and guidance as you continue your foster carer journey.

Crucially, we follow the Fostering Network Transfer Protocol, which ensures that children are placed top of the agenda during the transfer process – its guiding principles being in respect of foster carer mobility and what must be considered to ensure that children and young people are safe and their foster placements stable.

Chatting through the next steps

We’re on hand to answer all of your questions about transferring fostering agency, with no obligation to join us at Time Out Fostering. We of course hope you do join us, however we are more focused on ensuring you find the right agency fit for you and the support you need for the future.

Get in touch for a friendly, no obligation chat today by calling us on 01903 259900.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!