Fostering asylum seekers and unaccompanied minors

Change a child’s life

Fostering unaccompanied minors requires specialist training, but can be a very interesting and rewarding experience. These young people may have suffered trauma on their journey to the United Kingdom. It is also a strong possibility they will have experienced difficulties or trauma in their country of origin. Each child or young person will have their own cultural needs and often speak little or no English.

"We felt very privileged to help children and young people who have lost everything."
Time Out Foster Carer

Key skills:

  • Good sense of appropriate humour
  • Able to accept and understand difference
  • Listening skills
  • Being able to observe without judgement
  • Ability to understand and research different cultural needs
  • Ability to separate your values from those of the young person
  • Ability to form positive relationships
  • Being able to manage and work with differing needs
  • Being able to give advice and news in a calm, respectful manner
  • Ability to keep records accurately
  • Understanding of process and legislation for asylum seekers

Accompanying young people through their journey into the UK and understanding their culture is a wonderful and interesting area of work. Often young people are placed at short notice without knowing a huge amount. Your job as a foster carer is to support them to settle in the UK and give them a chance for safety and success.