Environmental initiatives for kids in Sussex

It is easy to feel small and helpless against the climate and ecological crisis faced by the planet and how this will affect our children and future generations.  Hope is […]

It is easy to feel small and helpless against the climate and ecological crisis faced by the planet and how this will affect our children and future generations. 

Hope is of course not lost, stubborn optimism is needed by everyone as we look to make a difference, individually and collectively from the grass roots up. 

That’s why we’ve collated an extensive (but by no means exhaustive) list of ways to get active with your young ones and help find a way out of the climate and ecological emergencies we currently face.


If you and your young ones are interested in conservation, then one of the easiest ways to get hands on is join an existing organisation of which many exist in Sussex and have well established schemes for all ages.

Sussex Wildlife Trust: Wildlife Rangers for 12 to 16 year olds

Have fun being part of a group of young people who get outdoors on Saturdays and during the school holidays. Become a Wildlife Ranger and join other teenagers taking action to protect and learn about local wildlife, bushcraft skills and much more.

Website: https://sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk/get-involved/volunteer/young-people/wildlife-rangers

Sussex Wildlife Trust: Nature tots and Wildlife watch

Nature Tots is a Forest School programme providing a wonderful opportunity for little ones aged between 3 and 6 to experience and learn from nature. 

Wildlife Watch groups are also based on Forest School principles and provide a wonderful opportunity for children aged 5 and over to experience and learn from nature. 

Nature tots website: https://sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk/what-we-do/environmental-education/nature-tots

Wildlife watch website: https://sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk/what-we-do/environmental-education/wildlife-watch

The Steyning Downland Conservation Volunteers

The Steyning Downland Scheme was launched when the Goring family decided to set aside 165 acres of the Wiston Estate in the South Downs National Park for the benefit of the community, the land and its wildlife.

There are many opportunities to volunteer and events to get involved for the whole family throughout the year.

Website: http://www.steyningdownland.org/

Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust Volunteers

Born from the desire to protect the ecology of the rivers, the Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust, incorporated into the National Rivers Trust movement have delivered many  projects, from the smallest habitat enhancements to large scale river engineering projects, which are centred on providing maximum benefits for wildlife and people.

There are lots of opportunities from tree planting and river clean ups to river monitoring and invasive species control.

Website: https://oart.org.uk/get-involved/

Chichester Conservation Volunteers

Practical countryside conservation is carried out most Sundays throughout the year. Projects include coppicing, hedge laying, tree planting, scrub clearance, step building, pond clearance, bracken control and lots more within a 15-mile radius of Chichester.

Website: https://www.chichesterconservationvolunteers.org.uk/

Friends of Wolstonbury

Helping maintain the ​​Calcareous chalk grassland, one of the richest plant habitats in Europe. The group meets for field tasks twice a month throughout the year. 

Website: http://www.wolstonbury.com/

More conservation groups in the South Downs:


Clean ups

Whilst nothing is preventing you heading out around the local area with your young ones, litter picker and PPE in hand, there are many organised clean ups to join forces with around Sussex.

Litter picking : Lewes and Eastbourne

Details of local groups who hold community litter picks, as well as details of upcoming litter picking events around the district of Lewes and Eastbourne.

Website: https://www.lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk/bins-waste-and-recycling/litterpick/

‘Adopt a Street’ volunteer scheme

Fed up with litter in your local area? Join the Horsham District Council ‘Adopt a Street’ scheme which already has hundreds of volunteers across the District who are passionate about protecting and preserving the environment on their doorstep.

Website: https://www.horsham.gov.uk/waste-recycling-and-bins/litter-and-street-cleaning/adopt-a-street

Beach cleans

Join a beach clean, create your own or get ready for the Big beach clean each September.

Website: https://www.mcsuk.org/what-you-can-do/join-a-beach-clean/

Youth Councils and Forums

Local youth councils are forums that represent the views of young people at a local level. They are run by young people for young people, giving them an often unheard voice and enabling them to make their views heard by those making decisions that ultimately affect them the most.

Brighton & Hove Youth Council

Brighton & Hove Youth Council is for anyone aged 13 to 19 who lives in the city or attends a local school, college or youth group. Adults up to the age of 25 who have a special educational need or disability are also eligible to join.

Members can support their local community and get involved in issues that matter to them including campaigns on climate change and plastic waste.

Website: https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/news/2021/join-youth-council

East Sussex Youth Cabinet

The Youth Cabinet and UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) members are young people aged 11–18 years old. They are elected to represent the views of young people in East Sussex.

Members of the Youth Cabinet gather the views of young people through surveys and workshops. They communicate these views to decision-makers. They do this to improve young people’s lives and the communities around them.

Website: https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/childrenandfamilies/youngpeople/youth-cabinet/

West Sussex District Youth Councils

West Sussex Districts have their own youth councils, allow young people to voice their opinions on local issues and projects, and are taken into account when local decisions are being made. 

Website: https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/education-children-and-families/your-space/youth-voice/district-youth-councils/#overview

Horsham Youth Eco Forum

Launched on 2nd June 2020, initially it was a weekly meeting place for young people 11+, it now takes place every other Sunday at 6pm. A safe and friendly place where they can discuss worries, hopes and share ideas and actions.

Website: https://www.sussexgreenliving.co.uk/cafes-forums/youth-eco-forum/

Join and environmental action group

The list of environmental action groups is growing in line with the crisis, find your local one listed below and ask them what they have planned to get the local youths involved.

West Sussex

East Sussex

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